Wednesday, October 10, 2012


1    The US Dollar will be replaced as the world's reserve currency.
2    The US will keep printing money UNTIL THEN.
3    The purchasing power of the US Dollar will decline.
4    The consumers of the US will face massive increases in the costs of all commodities due to shortages and pricing. The price of food and gasoline will be prohibitive to achieve.
5    As long as the Congress has access to money they will spend it all and spend more than they take in.
6    There will be a monetary shift from fiat paper money to a currency backed by something of value like precious metals.
7    Because of all the above we the common variety citizens will be regulated, monitored, curfewed and restricted by martial law. Further those of us that are ultra conservative, will be placed into concentration camps.
8    The US government will confiscate precious metals and our guns.
9    The US government will confiscate money in retirement plans and require they be invested in government bills, notes and bonds and at end of the persons life they will revert to the government.
10   The government will finance green energy and we will be paying 20 cents for a kilowatt of power as opposed to five cents for power derived from coal and oil. 
11    Congress will not have the courage to return us to a US Constitutional base thereby eliminating all the activities that are unconstitutional such as education dept, health, commerce, HUD and all the others that are states rights.
12    Congress will not protect our borders and will grant some form of amnesty.
13    Congress will not eliminate the IRS.
14    Congress will impose a VAT TAX.
15    Because of all the above there will be rioting in the streets of the major cities of the US.
16    There will be a period of time where there will be no banking or stores open. 
17    Our enemies will start to explode suicide bombs in public places. 
18    Our enemies will explode an atome bombs and EMP as soon as they are capable. We will be without all forms of operations that depend upon electrical or electronic power. 
19    The Muslims will do everything in their power to demand Sharia law and acceptance of Muslim customs and morees. 
20     Congress will not activate NASARA. We will not be able to depend upon it. We will not be able to depend upon the US government for anything, we have to depend upon ourselves.
21    The government will restrict the movement of monies and will attempt to control all monies of everyone.

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